Google maps are not accurate. Ontario road maps are. Google has roads that don't exist marked, towns that are gone, real towns that are missing, etc. (it took a year to get the disappearance of Madawaska from Google corrected; actually, it was a 'correction'. Google had moved it an hour's drive east of here, near Renfrew). Ontario road maps have best Ontario information; it is published by the organization that makes highways.
Google maps are what GPS is based upon.
Google maps are notorious for losing people down seasonal roads and snowmobile trails.
Algonquin Park Hwy 60 East Gate has a problem with Google maps as well. For some reason GPS takes people down a dead end from Hwy 127 instead of through Whitney on Hwy 60.
Clients arrived at 2:45 am last night.
They did not have a map.