That's what we've got.
Everyone who wants perfect weather, no bugs, and not many people around should be booking this weekend.
That's what we've got.
about the black flies being gone. No record done date yet. New hatch out came upon the heels of the previous utterance, I'm not bad, but one of the volunteers is polka dotted.
More volunteers arriving tomorrow. I am having a great time with them, we are productive and everyone seems pretty happy about the flow of activities. Those of you who have been here before will easily be able to see some of their input. Maybe it's time to play "spot the changes"? But apparently true. I waited a whole day to say something.
It appears the black flies are done at this location. This is a full 10 calendar days earlier than any previous year of my 22 here. As far as other wildlife sightings, cabin people saw a deer frolicking on the far side of the waterfront as they sat out eating dinner at their campfire pit Tuesday evening. Oh, and pickerel have been landed. Last couple of days there has been an intermittent yellow fog, not just in the morning. Yup, the jack pines are doing it, everywhere! What is neat to see is on a calm day, virtually no wind, suddenly the tree releases a blast of pollen.
High winds today, you can't see the pollen for the sandstorm. |
February 2018
AuthorSince 1989, I have been known to many as The Red Dear. Most of the rest of humankind calls me Sandra. Categories