Moose hunt was last week, so maybe they are just heading to buildings for cover, what with all the running through the woods and guns going off.
Finally! They haven't been moving through here so much this year.
Moose hunt was last week, so maybe they are just heading to buildings for cover, what with all the running through the woods and guns going off.
Fresh track right outside my kitchen window. It was raining yesterday, so it's easy to tell the track is from this morning.
It's just a skiff, but it is snow.
The writing is on the's a wrap. The water lines are empty, and everything is being sorted and stored for the future. People ask me about winter accommodation. It is possible, but the situation is different. There is no running water and so washrooms become the outhouse. Water does not come to the cabin. Seeing how many people bring bottled water in the summer, this shouldn't be a problem. ! Bedding service is not available off season. Accommodation must be prearranged, because the schedule is limited. Anyone who is interested can contact via the regular channels for details. Hope road construction season is over.... Hopefully the potential pandemic will be under control by my 2015 season. I expect there is going to be a ripple effect into tourism, as there was with SARS. Most of my clients are traveling by auto from somewhere inside North America, but about 20% fly in to the country from abroad. With this news regarding the second confirmed Ebola case in the US, I expect air travel is going to suffer dramatically in the next while.
I cancelled my flight plans for this winter a week ago. You can just call me Cassandra. There's been a lot in the news about Uber lately. Another part of the 'sharing economy' (which is actually a huge corporate profit making machine), if people want cheaper rides than cabs, they can call a driver who will take you in his/her car for a fixed price. Sound familiar?
A similar 'shake up' has happened in the tourist accommodation industry. Air B'n'B has made it possible for people to rent their cottages to vacationers without having to pay for ads to attract business. The same problems occur in each platform. Due to numerous health and safety measures, which licenced cabs and tourist properties have to fulfill or they expose themselves to government fines, prices are higher in the 'industry'. There are other economic factors that determine pricing as well that are not part of private cottage rental, or renting out the room that has been vacated by a child who has gone off to college. Buyer get what you pay for. Hope saving a couple of bucks doesn't cost you more in the long run... I don't know why this is news, because the effect has been known for some time. Maybe it's news because one species was quantitatively studied. Estrogenization has been a factor for PEOPLE in the Great Lakes basin for 3 decades, at least.
Birth control is not the only culprit. Chlorine has estrogen mimickers in its breakdown components. Triclosan is a hormone disruptor, and is in all of the anti-bacterial soap products and hand sanitizers. People have been paying money for all of this stuff for years, and then flushing or washing it away without a thought. The advertising has been very successful. Scare tactics have been rather productive as well (SARS). Meanwhile, we are discovering that people are becoming sick because of a lack of good bacteria. Birth control is necessary. Hygiene is necessary. Habitat preservation is also necessary. Absolutely glorious day! It started out chilly, but got better. Now that the sun has gone down, the sky is incredible. It's a while before the moon is up, so it's a great night for stargazing.
Canoeing and mushroom picking were appropriate activities, time well spent in the great outdoors. Used to be a time when there was a lot of traffic on a Thanksgiving weekend, but people are far too used to their creature comforts for that to happen in a big way in the current era. Last year's Thanksgiving was warm and rainy; people didn't come. This year is cool and sunny.
There were 3 years of summer-like Thanksgiving weekends. It's supposed to be cool on Thanksgiving, so that cooking a big meal warms the house! Now that everyone goes out and has climate control, that social convention has been buried. If we go back 5 years, the Thanksgiving weekends often had skiffs of snow. People used to come out though, to enjoy nature. It is always past colours peak in this area, so the lure was just the fresh air, sunshine, and being out of the city. Yup, things change. Change IS the only constant. A restaurant in Red Deer, Alberta? Can you hear me laugh?
Doesn't anybody read any more? Be careful who you hire to do your IT... On CBC this morning, the report is that this area, broadly referred to as Algonquin Park is at peak colour. Reality is it is well past. I did some highway time yesterday, and see lots of yellow and orange, but the red is all but gone from the landscape. It's still real purty though, and worth a drive to the country.
There is a cabin available here yet for the weekend, if anyone is making last minute plans. Wild flash storm, including hail. It only warrants mention because most of the really intense weather of the last 6 months has completely missed this area. Almost every summer I have been here there has been a serious thunderstorm; they were mild this past season by comparison.
I saw the full moon rise right at sunset.
Though the sky is quite bright, it is thick with clouds. No show from this location, no shooting stars or eclipse visible. A total wash. Not only do we get an eclipse, there's a meteor shower too! Because the moon is full, it's not too likely to see it though.
Wednesday, October 8 morning, there is the possibility of a rare celestial event. The moon will set, under eclipse, while the sun rises.
This part of the country is a fine place to observe the phenomenon. Arrivals are late, as usual, as it is Friday.
It's not raining, though there was about 5 minutes worth earlier. So often people forego the trip out of the city because of the weather forecast. It's usually not nearly as scarey as it looks digitally. The real deal is fine, once again. Leaves are falling in a big way. A lot of reds have dropped in the last 24 hours. Driving along the highway is still brilliantly colourful, especially where there is a cluster of maples, but the overall picture is starting to show more to the orange end of the colour show. |
February 2018
AuthorSince 1989, I have been known to many as The Red Dear. Most of the rest of humankind calls me Sandra. Categories