This happened yesterday, so starting tonight, if the skies are clear, there is an opportunity to view this phenomenon, for up to 3 nights.
THIS is what makes Northern Lights, otherwise known as aurora borealis This happened yesterday, so starting tonight, if the skies are clear, there is an opportunity to view this phenomenon, for up to 3 nights.
Not much, but it is indeed snow. Yesterday a bit, today too. Nothing accumulating.
So that is a wrap for this season. All the cabins have been put to bed for a long winter's nap... This season is almost finished. Time to start dreaming about next summer.
Make your dreams reality. Book early. Tell your friends. Get together, and make your own good time the best time EVAR in 2014. Full weeks are always the best deal. They make your weekend free. The campground is put away, the water is drained. The last trailer of the season has ambled on.
Good job! Sidebar topic on weather network site says autumn is the aurora time of the year. Scientifically speaking, not. Aurora depend on solar activity. It may be easier to see them in the autumn because the sky is dark earlier. More accessible for many.
Sun storm cycles are not particularly coordinated to our seasons on earth. Aurora don't exist without a CME in the direction of the earth. The full moon is going to likely make it difficult to see the meteor shower Monday just before sunrise.
The penumbral eclipse was a no go here with the recent pervasive cloud cover. This morning's light went from full moon in a clear sky to sunrise. This after a number of overcast, dull daybreaks. The light play on the water was stunning.
And then there was the wee earthquake, a 3.3. A 'something for everyone' kind of morning... CBC exposè tonight "Watch The Dirt On Hotels: We're Back at 8pm/8:30 NT" CBC Marketplace
My volunteer headed off to Toronto yesterday, so I dropped her in Bancroft at the Greyhound bus stop. It rained heavily a couple of times during the trip, and lots of drippy.
It didn't rain in Madawaska. The ground was still dry when I got back. So much for the 70% forecast... If you are intending to walk in the woods these days, it is a good idea to wear red. This comes to mind as I have heard gunshots in the immediate area. Some of it is duck hunting, but some is not. Current open seasons are bear, bird, and small game. Technically it should still be safe to walk in the forest; red is REQUIRED during moose and deer seasons, which will soon be upon us. Better safe than sorry though; better red than dead.
Apparently rain on the way for 6, count 'em, 6 days! Somehow I doubt this bunch of weather is going to miss my little river valley. No wonder there are no calls for accommodation this weekend...I don't mind. Much as being host to people from all over the world is engaging, I could use a long nap.!
Also known as 'snowbirds'. Lots and lots of Slate-coloured Juncos bopping around today.
Having noticed a distinct change in one youngster's demeanour in the 48 hours since his arrival, it seems the nature effect has taken hold again. No flickering screens, just clean air, lots of trees, room to play...such a calm young feller now.
Wondering what is ailing YOU? Take a nature pill for relief! It IS raining here, but very lightly, such that one does not get wet outside. Seemingly overnight, the hills have lost that glow, and with the exception of a very few yellow leaves, the greyness of bare tree limbs has become the predominant colour. It's a good day to eat turkey.
Here comes the last long weekend of the season. Looks like we are getting good weather for most of it.
There will be turkey in the air...I mean the aroma of roasting ones. Might see a wild turkey by the side of the road, or a clutch of them. They have been much more visible this year than in the past, lots of sightings. Anyone driving through Algonquin Park in the dark tonight, be aware of moose! They can sneak up on a car pretty quickly. In other words, it isn't safe to "book it" through the Park after the sun goes down. In my 24 years here, there have been 3 very late arrivals due to collisions with these grand creatures. These unfortunate incidents all happened on the stretch of hwy 60 inside Park boundaries. That being said, moose are not restricted to the park, so collisions are possible on all local roads. Also, anyone on highway 60, keep in mind that there have been lots of speedtraps, especially on the long weekends, this season. Thanks to everyone who has been part of the experience here in 2013, tourists, volunteers, and regular clients. I will be taking bookings for the next while, weather permitting, but soon it will be time to plan and book your 2014 getaways. There is still lots of colour in the landscape, but the brilliant and deep reds are gone. It's very much like the dying flames of a campfire. Looks like this shiny weather is going to continue through the weekend, the nights are warming up again.
There are still lots of reds to be seen on a close up basis. Mushrooms are blooming too. There was aurora last night. If we are lucky, there will be more tonight. Even without aurora, the skies have been fabulous of late.
Unlike my usual "it's not raining here", I am happy to report that it rained big time the last 24 hours. Why so happy? Because the mushrooms will bloom again. Excellent weather for such in the next few days.
I saw today that the leaves are past peak colour. They are starting to fall, and so the landscape is starting to show the grey of bare branches. Early this year, by at least a week.
February 2018
AuthorSince 1989, I have been known to many as The Red Dear. Most of the rest of humankind calls me Sandra. Categories