Here's what I see.
Many fisherpersons, both camping and occupying cabins. 90% return clientele. Happy, prepared, realistic campers (only a little bother about black flies, and those are the newbies).
Smudge fires going at a couple of sites. It's a free firewood weekend (lots of cleanup wood from opening up). Hardwood tag alder brush for great coals fast. Let the grilling begin!
Pictures of fish caught and released this morning (darn bass aren't in season, can't keep 'em).
The weather is incredibly flaky. Flies are not biting, but they are bothersome swarming. There are 22 types of black fly, and a lot of the first out of the gate are nonbiters. Only 2 types bite. The swallows are here in large numbers already, so it was likely the flies were going to be early. Fishing should be good.
The last arrival called this a special event weekend.
It is what you make it. Don't believe the hype.