Of course, people need to be able to identify a product, so that they can purchase it again. However, I think this over the top branding is another thing that crowds peoples' brains, and something from which they need a rest.
Branding costs the consumer. You already know this because of the difference in price at the supermarket between identical products, one packaged with the brand name, and the other, on the same shelf, packaged with the grocery store 'brand'. The are made by contract for distribution through certain stores by the expensive brand manufacturer.
So why have all tourist regions embarked on "branding" exercises? Does it mean anything (except that an 'expert' was hired to help them through the exercise)? More signs, more logos, more names; does anyone really remember one from the other? Or does the consumer just remember the good times, inconsequent of the brands?
That being said, the name that goes with this property, Red Deer, is a brand in this area. People have been coming here since 1947 to have a good time, one way or another. Same place, new faces, but a lot of return clients as well. I had a woman here in her 70s who stayed here the first night of her honeymoon, 50 years before. There was a couple here who honeymooned 35 years before. There have been clients whose parents and grandparents were here hunting and fishing in the 1940s. A couple of people have told me that a forefather helped to build the cabins in 1946, when the property first started taking tourists in, making its first shift from farming. In my time here, I have had return clients from Europe, and lots from the US and Canada. Because this is not primarily a trailer park, I don't have the "poor man's cottage" type of embedded clientele, but there are a lot of worldly travelers who return every couple of years. There are a few who make this their favourite getaway, so they come by a couple of times a year, or every year. It's quite the mix. I've been here long enough also to see people who came as kids now arriving without their parents, but with their own children. It's great. There is no one discreet group of vacationer who enjoys the property. They come from far and wide, in all shapes and sizes, and all age groups. Many nationalities are represented.
Everyone welcome...you don't have to belong to a club.! Have a slice of the simple life.